


作為一個中國人,也就是「神州」人,我當然很高興。 謹此遙祝三位神舟上的宇航員圓滿完成任務,飽覽太空景色之後,安全返航。


後來對美國的幾次探月活動,尤其著迷。 每有閒空,總跑到雪廠街的美國圖書館,翻看所有關於太空科學和宇宙飛航的書籍。 那些書籍印刷精美,讓人越看越神往。 看著看著,就知道了美國太空總署研製的土星V號火箭,原來所用燃料,竟跟我媽熬湯所用的基本沒有兩樣,同屬煤油,於是感到十分驚訝。 從此我對煤油產生特別的感情,以致往後很多年,我去露營野炊,一直採用笨重的港製打氣煤油灶。 當然,土星V號火箭用的是純烷。我用的是含有苯等致癌物質的多級碳烷混合物。

回想太陽神太空船登月的時候,中國還在鬧文化大革命,人民在鬥個你死我活之餘,得按配給方式吃飯,用糧票,山區裏餓死的人不計其數;城市人穿的衣服都打補釘。 我媽要給她老家的親戚按時寄送食油和藥物。

俱往矣! 今天的中國已然脫胎換骨,憑這一葉神舟,把革命送出神州大地,昇華到那深邃的太空。




我看這個甚是不妥,萬萬使不得! 國人心裏有這事就可以了,何必非把「國恥」二字,堂而皇之地印在日曆上面,讓人家大日本國的國民永世明嘲暗笑!






1905年,日本和沙皇俄國以中國東北領土為戰場的「日俄戰爭」結束,兩國簽訂和約,日本奪得遼東半島的俄國租借地「關東州」,和俄國所築「中國東清鐵路(中東鐵路)」長春以南路段的控制權,設立「關東總督府」和「南滿鐵道株式會社」,並以「保護鐵路權益」為名,設置「滿鐵守備隊」,駐紮於沿線。 「關東總督府」後改為「關東都督府」,下設「陸軍部」。

1919年,也就是「五四運動」的那一年,「關東都督府」撤銷,改建「關東廳」,並在「陸軍部」的基礎上建立「關東軍」,設「關東軍司令部」於旅順口,以為全面展開侵華戰爭的部署。 「滿鐵守備隊」歸入了「關東軍」的編制。

1931年9月18日,「守備隊」把「南滿鐵道」一小段炸毀,誣指為中國軍人的破壞,突然對中國東北軍發動攻擊,正式揭開了軍國主義吞併中國東北大計的序幕。 是為「九一八事變」。

事變之後,東北軍的張學良「少帥」奉貫徹「攘外必先安內」滅共政策的蔣介石之諭,採取了「不抵抗政策」,一天之內丟失了瀋陽(奉天)、長春和遼陽! 此後不過短短數月,東北地區的很多城鎮,包括營口、安東(丹東)、吉林、齊齊哈爾、錦州、哈爾濱等,相繼淪陷。 不到半年,面積幾及四個日本的東北全境,就被「關東軍」完全佔領。


1937年7月7日,日本侵略軍在北平附近製造了荒謬絕倫的「蘆溝橋事變」,昭示了日本要全面展開侵華戰爭。 7月8日中國共產黨號召全國抗戰。 7月17日蔣介石在廬山宣佈對日抗戰。 慘烈的「八年抗戰」,於是開始。





我認為,所謂「抗戰勝利」的說法,喊之久矣,卻未嘗成立! 這也是為什麼被日本軍國主義者亡魂附體的一小部分日本人,至今仍然找不到瞧得起中國人的任何理由。

77年後的今天,這「國恥」雖然難以忘懷,世界形勢和國際關係卻已變得天翻地覆;縱使中國沒有今天的強大,像當年日本侵華那樣的「外侮」,大概不可能再出現。 然而,這長發其祥的偉大中華,雖然托人類整體發展的洪福,告別了「外侮」,卻擺脫不了「內欺」!

大半個世紀以前因「外侮」而蒙受的「國恥」,它固然是抹不掉了;而半個世紀以來因「內欺」而蒙受的「國羞」,卻日新月異,層出不窮! 如今竟鬧出了毒物摻奶,毒害、毒殺嬰兒這樣可恥、可悲的特大「國羞」來,讓國內外的親者痛、仇者快!

這些有關的大企業,其經營者和管理層,以及監管這些大企業的官爺們,大抵都屬國家少數精英分子。 然而,在嚴酷的鬥爭環境中冒出來的的少數成功精英們,他們也只能這樣了,只能把一己的地位、權力和財富,建立在一般老百姓的無助和無知之上。




何故中秋拂夏風? 天晴月朗野溟濛。

尋幽又住山林裏, 行樂不耽燈火叢。

世濁嬋娟人倦賞, 時乖翰墨我難工。

輕吟拙句謳良夜, 雅樂蛩聲和帳篷。








這家有關企業名為「三鹿」。 三鹿,也就是麤了。麤,與粗為通假字,也就是「不精」的意思了。 製造嬰兒奶粉,「不精」而至於此,可謂無以復加了吧!






此前這鼎鼎大名的三聚氰胺曾被摻進了寵物食品,遠銷美國,讓全部十三個億的中國人,都集體贏得了「笨蛋和罪犯 (goons and thugs)」的尊號。



受了教育而變聰明了的少數精英們,居於高位,掌管芸芸大老麤們的死活,玩忽職守的話,應得合理的處置。 不能因為國家教育不得普及,精英太少、太可貴,而予姑息。

至於罪犯,嗐,像這種罪行,可謂罪大惡極,可以槍斃,而猶有餘辜了! 基於人道主義,希望法院能判個無期徒刑。


An Anglish Poem - Casual Boaris in Qinna Aulympiad

Very much inspired by the poetic language invented by a Hongkong poet who won the third prize in the inaugural international poetry competition recently hosted by a poetry society in Glasgow, Scotland, and also by the four-legged heroine in the poetic story, of which a certain free wild kind I occasionally encounter in the wilderness, I have just made up the following 60 lines in the Chinese 4-line-verse form with 15 sets of rhymes.

These lines were improvised for fun only. There was no disrespect intended for the people, animals, beings, countries, city, language, events, place and venue mentioned.

Casual Boaris in Qinna Aulympiad

Aulympiad see Qinna host
----Qinna, for its first time, hosted the Aulympic Games
Angland next, join eager most
----Angland, to host the next Games, was the eagerest to
It send Boaris Lundon mayor
----It sent Boaris the Lundon mayor
Who like Qinnese less than ghost
----Who liked the Qinnese less than ghosts

Casual Boaris go to Qinna
----Casual Boaris went to Qinna
Take bus so he feel real thinner
----By taking the bus he really felt slimmer
Jump on Aursaur cuckoo nest
----He jumped onto Aursaur the cuckoo's nest
----(Author's speculation: Aursaur probably means golden dragon,
----aur, short for aurum, Latin word for gold; saur, short for

----the bird including the cuckoo is believed to descend from the

He tell Aursaur not for dinner
----He told Aursaur he didn't come for dinner

Who serve dinner? Aursaur ask
----Who serves you dinner? Aursaur said
Want you see this big, big task
----I only want you to see this very huge wonder
You short of pound, can't copy
----You are short of sterling pounds, you can't do the same back in
Feel you lose face, you wear mask
----If you think you lose face, you put on a mask

Vulgar Boaris say sod it!
----Vulgar Boaris said, sod it!
Want no nest with cuckoo shit
----Don't want a bird's nest with cuckoo droppings
Build on whose tree this monster?
----On top of whose tree was this monster built?
I know real well woodland tit
----I knew really well it was the woodland tit's

Woodland tit can't even cheep
----The woodland tit is not even allowed to cheep
Instead to fly they just creep
----Instead of flying they can only creep
You build Bird Nest not for bird
----You built the Bird's Nest not for the birds
But for dragon can go deep
----But for the dragons that can go into the deeps

Aursaur say, you boar so rude
----Aursaur said, you boar are so rude
Come to Qinna ruin good mood
----You came to Qinna to ruin the good mood for the Games
Want sell your red twin-decker
----If you want to sell your red double-decker buses
Button your lip and be good
----Button up your lips and be polite

Boaris Angland once world boss
----Boaris' Angland once was the world's super power
Poor, poor Qinna suffer loss
----Very poor Qinna then suffered losses
Angland acquire Fragrant Port
----Qinna's Fragrant Port was ceded to Angland to become a colony
Happy Valley rich with horse
----Happy Valley became rich with horse racing introduced from
----Darby, Angland

Boaris so proud of blue blood
----Boaris is so proud of his pedigree with a tiny percentage of the
----Anglish royalty
Never forget Yellow Flood
----He has never forgotten the history about Yellow Peril
Put his two hand in pocket
----He put his hands in his jacket's pockets in the formal ceremony
----to show that he didn't care a damn
No way I scrape your shoe mud
----And he thought, me to shine your shoes? No way!

Aursaur point him button loose
----Aursaur pointed at his stomach to remind him his buttons were
----not done up
He think not fat outrun goose
----He mistook it and denied he was fat, and he thought he could
----even outrun the geese
Boar shall be boar I take stand
----A boar shall always be a boar, I have to take a stand
Button up not Boaris choose
----Boaris chose not to do up the buttons

Boaris happy Aursaur not
----Boaris was happy and Aursaur was not
He see Aursaur face get hot
----He saw Aursaur's face get red
Aursaur real want his respect
----Aursaur really wanted his respect
Boaris pay him not one jot
----Boaris gave him not a bit

Aursaur learn one lesson dear
----Aursaur has learnt an expensive lesson
Boaris never can be peer
----That Boaris can never be a peer
Aursaur need least Anglophile
----Aursaur needs to be the least of an Anglophile
Boaris sure in Qinna fear
----Boaris certainly has Qinnophobia

Qinna fear now everywhere
----Qinnophobia is now everywhere
Make it enemy no one dare
----No country dares to make itself an enemy of Qinna
Arrogant Angland want differ
----Angland is arrogant that it wants to differ
Lundon have this casual mayor
----Lundon has this casual mayor just for the job

Boaris mayor no nice mare
----Boaris the mayor is not a nice mare, he is a boar
Boar be boar, boar play not fair
----Boars are boars, and boars don't play fair
Rude to Qinna help him up
----Being disrespectful to Qinna helps him ascend in position
High with fun he comb his hair
----Being high with fun he was willing to comb his hair

Aursaur know nothing too bad
----Aursaur knew there was nothing too bad
Boaris want drive Qinna mad
----Just Boaris wanted to drive Qinna mad
Qinna strong can't get Angland
----Even when Qinna has become strong, it can't pay Angland back
Only talk on history sad
----People can only talk about the sad history involving the two

Able Aursaur now know well
----Able Aursaur must have known it well now
Power, money may not sell
----Being powerful and a big spender might not earn one even
----superficial respect
What else after Aulympiad?
----What Qinna should do after the Aulympic achievements?
Vulgar Boaris almost tell
----There are some clues suggested by vulgar Boaris' behaviour