

營地的高坡上有一叢楓樹,約略成林。 最近迎來幾宵北風,涼上了好些天,它就果然紅成一片了。

那紅,是似赭還紅,紅中帶橙,橙裏透黃,實在紅得很可愛。 這紅葉的規模,或許比不上內地和外地所見,但總算給我最喜愛的這一片野地山坡,帶來了濃濃的秋意。


這楓樹,也就是楓香,也叫台灣楓香 Liquidambar formosana, 屬金縷梅科 Hamamelidaceae; 以其樹液帶香味,故名。

提起楓樹,人們總會想到加拿大這楓樹之國。 北美洲無處不在的紅楓 Acer rubrum (red maple), 在植物分類學上,漢語科名不叫楓,而叫槭 Aceraceae. 香港就有一種嶺南槭 Acer tutcheri, 和北美的紅楓同屬一科,但葉片型態不似北美洲的 Acer rubrum 那樣呈掌狀而複裂,卻是三裂,更像本地的楓香。




一是隨俗。 其俗既非不可耐,則俗成於約定,這無可厚非。

二是入雅。 這楓香既生好看的三裂紅葉,給你報告節候,這麼老實可愛,就算中古以來人們有錯,也錯不在它;不能追溯到上古,強行把它從唐朝詩人的雅意裏排除。就算確實另有「真楓」,就算這楓香是「裝楓」,它的葉片確有可愛的奇數葉裂,而它紅起來呀,確實就是楓樹的那個紅! 不管怎麼說,它配有真正楓樹的雅籍。







《論壇》上登了我關於達賴喇嘛的胡說八道,卻又給了我考題一道。不免還得敬答則個。 由於邇來瑣事纏身,網誌曠廢多時,這電郵也就順便拿去充個數吧。


我竊忖,他本人和他的流亡政府,都十分明瞭外在客觀現實,獨立已然無望,強求無濟於事。然而在外藏民之中,不管教內教外、派內派外,反對達賴,激烈要求獨立,一不怕血,二不怕死,主張使用暴力,蠢蠢欲動者,大有人在。 一旦發生動亂,北京把一攬子的帳都算到達賴那不必剃淨的頭上去,肯定是戰略手法。內地一般認為,達賴和藏獨分子關係密切。我看這是再自然不過的事,毋庸贅言。



況且如今這位上師垂垂老矣,身體大不如前,如何產生繼位者,反倒是目下第一要務。一旦圓寂了,如果照舊要去尋找再一次轉世的自己,那該到哪裏去找?其範圍肯定要排除北京治下的西藏自治區和青海、四川的藏區了,那麼要不要也包括文明、民主的基督教西方?如果找出幾個靈童的話,要不要金瓶掣籤?這籤該到哪裏去掣?他新近發明的“在世轉世”之說能不能實現?如何實現? 一旦真個“轉世為女童”又該如何應對? 這麼些大事的懸而難決,就夠他忙活的了。對於已然相當西化和現代化,而且充分研究過目前世界最大宗教――基督教的演化歷程的這位“活佛”來說,要在達拉姆薩拉進一步深化他的宗教改革,恐怕都來不及,縱然心繫他的大Tibet, 縱然還想獨立,一時恐怕勻不出工夫去提上日程了吧。

達賴當然預見,一旦自己在外圓寂,北京必將按照“藏傳佛教活佛轉世管理辦法”,在境內藏區訪尋轉世靈童,確認為第十五世達賴喇嘛正統。如果現世達賴他老人家不搞移風易俗的大變革,因循舊制去輪迴轉世,那麼屆時必鬧雙胞,貽笑寰宇。 想到這裏,他就該知道,尋求獨立橫豎徒勞,大搞變革前景可觀。久離故土,他反正無從跟北京鬧彆扭;身在達拉姆薩拉,倒可以放眼世界。

An email to a friend – to barely chat a bit when dizzily busy

Old C.,

You just always remember that old Frisbee thrower in Tian'anmen Square. He could still be living happily in his late nineties, or even as a centenarian, flying that simple yet patented plaything.

30 whole years down the road of reforms, China has since changed a huge lot. The economic growth is unprecedented, more than fiftyfold in terms of GDP per capita. Now many have enough to eat, not guaranteed free from being poisoned though; and many have got really rich, thanks to their insatiability and corruptibility. Yet education at large has hardly had its quantum leap from quantitative change to qualitative change. Those who belong to the elite still need to stand still in front the TV camera to attend to a sort of advice with something really basic every time they meet with the leaders from the top.

When it comes to TV programmes about China, there is no shortage of them. While you were with the RTHK, I have just watched one produced by a U.K. station. It tells the stories of three Englishmen doing business in the Middle Kingdom. They couldn't beat their upstart Asian enemy at home, so they wisely venture to go to the Far East to join them. How can one catch a tiger cub without entering a tiger lair?
One even brings along his juvenile son who would actively urge this some what arrogant father to enjoy a piece of donkey penis his ever smoking Chinese business partner treats him. I think this must be a plot to make the documentary more watchable, and not a genuine part of the story. He simply buys a granite quarry to make sure every single piece of his kitchen worktop selling in the U.K. meets his British standard.
Another Englishman closes his cushion factory at home and invades the Middle Kingdom, which also doesn't have a king, without the assistance of the Royal Navy. With the help of his translator-partner's sister's father-in-law to build the factory, now he makes cushions in Zhejiang by the millions. It's impossible even just to imagine the scale of production at home in the U.K. He goes to New York to sell his products before the completion of his factory. Just a single one of the deals makes him smile with a 3 million US dollars' worth. He would be fully contented, seated in his office bearing his position, which is "Mamaging Director". The title for this foreign businessman must be so unique that it has to be spelt that way.

That 70-year-old Mad-off of Wall Street was really mad! His greed must be too strong that it had prevented him from judging soberly how many billions he needed to take and how he should have it taken. As some obese people wouldn't hesitate to eat to anticipate an early death, many fortune thirsty people would like to take the risk of being jailed, for no more than a couple of years in the U.S., a price affordable for many of the kind. Does it on a much smaller scale in China without a protective party membership one might be rewarded the capital punishment.This sort of fraud can't possibly go on without bursting for too long. This Mad-off guy should have calculated that he had enough time to prepare for his disappearance on Wall Street and reappearance somewhere in the world where the Federal Supreme Court can't even effect an extradition. The investigators might have been keeping an eye on him for quite some time, just like the case of that "Son of Taiwan" on the other side of the Pacific. Greedy people make big money easily, yet they could be very stupid. Ironically many believe in these stupid con men and worship them before they know they have been swindled.




