


這其實不能算是什麼珍貴照片,隨手一摁,喀嚓一聲,就能拍到的營地實景罷了。 當然,這種美妙的情景不可多得,時機稍縱輒逝。

幾年前你在石壁東灣尾山坡上看到的「花海」,正就是這種香港野外山坡上最常見的小灌木,它的學名叫桃金孃 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 本地粵語管它叫山棯,或者岡棯、棯仔、棯子,這和《康熙字典》所載的棯棗不是同一種植物,讀音也不一樣。
山棯的紫色小漿果香甜可口,有幾種不同的香味,但是皮太厚,核太多,而且幾乎跟沙子一般硬,吃起來硌牙,不夠痛快。 我常異想天開,如果能把它的果實改良一下,增大百倍,去掉小核,就可以成為一種很好的水果。

嗐呀,你的朋友愛上遊山玩水,不好叫個不幸吧! 當然,過了頭就不太好了,玩物喪志嘛。



An email to a friend - on snowstorm & naughty-photo scandal


At last you have emerged when the RAT is greeting a chilly spring!
Wish you an auspicious RAT Year (RAT for Rising And Thriving)!

So you would like to talk about our motherland.
The recent snowstorm that struck South China was indeed a natural disaster. Fortunately the devastation did not extend too far. It will look minor compared to an ice age, which is anticipated, and recured from time to time in the planetary history. The prehistoric humans got through the last mega winter which lasted for an aeon and ended some 10 thousand years ago.
The next ice age could make its presence known all on a sudden. Even the top climatologists might have missed all the subtle clues that have suggested it has already been coming. Some say the anticipated super icy era is already overdue. Some say that global warming may delay the onset of the coming ice age, while others say the same may do just the opposite.
Some scientists suggest that the implications of global warming are still far from being fully understood. They need to do much more on research.
I would speculate that even if the experts manage to predict the onset of the future ice age, and get well prepared, most individuals of the human species could be wiped out of the surface of the earth.
If the human-inflicted global warming is true, and it does lead to a climatic catastrophe, no scientists, except for those who have an absolute religious faith, can tell who are to survive and who are not.
Mother Nature, if not identical to God Himself, must answer to God. And God did destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for certain sins no worse than those committed by modern humans.

Celebrating the Chinese New Year without God by my side, I barely survived a few chilly days and nights in the wilderness. In the last night of my stay it dropped from 10 degrees to just 6 with roaring gale that would blow for 21 hours on end from over the mountain ridge. I moved camp into a forest in the middle of the night in order to make sure my tent won't collapse. I had to plug up my ears with some 4-ply tissue to make the angry unremitting gusts sound less disturbing, so that I could get some sleep.
Mine was then the only camp remaining in the whole valley. It happened that I retained enough spirits to compose a peom on site for the camping.

In such cold days city boys like you would rather stay home watching TV, with a pitying heart, witnessing indirectly tens of thousands of migrant workers desperately waiting in vain for their train home, being exposed to chilling precipitation. They might be suffering from homesickness, they were safe after all.
There must be many unnoticed casualties and damages in the remote and backward areas where TV reporters could have no access at all. The agony that these poor people suffered could have been forgotten even before it was mentioned.
Where poor people still dare to stay poor, Mother Nature will always inflict righteous punishment without mercy!

And you just didn't let that "obscene photo incident" pass you by, why?
All right, as for that red hot scandal, I'd rather keep my eyes and ears away from that sort of pictures and stories. If I receive a hyperlink to those websites, I will delete it right away without clicking for the call of my curiosity and instinctive urges.
I am glad that I have known almost nothing about the celebrities in the show biz, not to mention local Canto-stars and all those innocent naughty girls taking part happily.
And I am lucky that I also do not know that glorious big boy for the least bit. I don't even know what this guy looks like, hence my humble brain can be free from being the least haunted.
I guess this must be a dude sexually irresistible to girls. And this could be a being certain girls are meant for.
And I am luckier still that I have no children, so I don't need to spend time in helping a teen daughter to rebuild the image of her icon, or talking a young son into not admiring or envying that victorious young man.
Such could be impossible tasks of the time in this part of the planet.
Although bees do it, and birds do it, successful ultimate intimacies with many young women is always a major constitutive part of many men's masculine pride. This phenomenon has an important place in human genetics and evolution, and also social economy.
According to the scenario told by my nephews in our Chinese New Year gathering, I think those naughty girls were just having normal sexual fun with a man they considered good enough and worthwhile, so good and worthwhile that they trusted him for all that much!
If they have suffered the unexpected foul consequence caused by certain rotten photo-stealing thieves, they have paid their price in terms of devaluation of vanity, only to a certain extent though.
If they have had even greater fun with the scandal's getting hot and spreading far, they could already be ahead of an emerging trend in this very conservative part of the world in which sexual hypocrisy is rampant, while the female body is still very much a traditional commodity in certain aspects, even in many ordinary blessed marriages.
I wonder if you get what I mean.


七律 - 戊子歲首野營




爆竹久無聲 嶼渚一隅仍改歲

驕梅饒有媚 河山萬里又逢春

七律 - 詠吊鐘花


七律 - 歲首野營





程翔可曾犯「罪」,我未與本人交往,也無從窺見案情於萬一,不得妄加議論。 然而,中國政體落後,法治不全,教育薄弱,人權不彰,冤假錯案多如牛毛,法院判決不獲公信,可以想見。
在經濟發展神速的今日中國,咱這在世界舞台上已然嶄露頭角的中國,黨的權力仍然絕對超然,黨的利益依然大於一切;黨擁有真理,黨等於國家,黨就是人民! 在這樣一個國度,罪與非罪,往往隨黨的意志為轉移;有罪無罪,就必須以黨的利益為依歸了。
不過,話得說回來,咱這中國,畢竟一天一天地進步了。 春節前夕讓程翔回家團聚,這不就是向西方學到了一點人道主義的明證了嗎?

據網上資料,林毅夫原名林正義,在台灣出生和成長,就讀軍校時改名林正誼,去大陸前,在台灣陸軍金門馬山連當上尉連長。 他在1979年5月的一個夜晚,借一個籃球的浮力,從金門泅泳2000米到了廈門,起初被認定為失蹤,一年後按軍中程序宣佈為死亡。 2002年林父逝世,他申請回台奔喪不獲批准。台灣國防部調查後確認為「叛逃投共」,以「投敵罪」發布通緝令。
這位「陣前叛逃」的「奇人」,終於在彼岸成就了大業,對華夏13億同胞做出了很大的貢獻。 如果他留在台灣,這是一定無法做到的。
中國是個擁有五千年延續歷史的活文明,有深厚紮實的文化根基,蘊含各方面的巨大發展潛力。 人民的遺傳特質之中,在刻苦耐勞、積聚財富、爭勝好強等方面,比很多別的民族,包括目前比較先進的西方高加索人種的各民族,都要強,都要突出。
可惜近代在教育、科技、政治、社會、經濟、傳統價值等方面的發展緩慢,缺乏變革、創新,到了清朝,由於西方世界的宗教改革和產業革命獲得成功,中國古舊的社會面貌於是相形見絀,幾乎在各方面都被西方和日本超越了,隨之而來的,只能是遭到掠奪和欺凌。 由清末到二戰之後,大部分的中國人都只能活在飢餓的邊緣上。
我長發其祥的偉大中華,哪得不富? 富定了!