
National Sentiments

Many of the young people in China are still too simpleminded that they are easily irritated, as far as they are allowed to be. When they are thrown into a fury with something like that CNN's deliberate provoking remarks with the most derogatory terms, their face turn red and their temper get short. They are just angry.

Well, why shouldn't they when they are called 'goons' and 'thugs'! Yet they don't really have a complete tool kit at their disposal for deterring their provoker. Their speech and behaviour are under the scrutiny of an authoritarian government, whose communist sovereignty must have something to do with the inducement of such a stupid irrational attack from that seriously biased American news network. The restrained and subtle way of expressing their anger might be the only option they can comfortably enjoy. Yet quite unexpectedly they seemed to have found another way: sueing the commentator.

Now this long biased news network has done something really wrong to expose one of its anchors' very sick hearts. The 'aristocrats' and elite of the Chinese Communist Party should perhaps do more profound passive reflection, so as to figure out what steps should be taken to improve the nation's image, so that its nationals won't look like thieves or robbers and its officials not goons and thugs any more in front of that kind of ill trained western barking canines which see themselves honest watchdogs.

Now just a tiny little fraction of the Chinese population has got rich, they fly out to the West to rush-purchase the most expensive luxuries; just a tiny little fraction has gone industrialized, cheap Chinese products of poor quality are everywhere; just a tiny little fraction has become obese, prices of foodstuff are rocketing high.
How could those narrow-minded Western barking watchdogs not blame and hate this fast developing China!

The Western attitudes towards China are mixed. But it must be common sense that a chaotic China will surely do more harm than good to the Western world. They want China to change and assimilate gradually, not collapse all on a sudden like the former Soviet Union. Some stupid radical democrats might have gone too extreme. And some insane racists might even want to trample every single Chinese dead, but you can hardly find more than a handful of them in Western countries.

The Olympic Games has surely provided an opportunity for those who oppose Beijing, on both the Tibet issue and also human rights violations, to play rough with it. China has unfortunately remained under authoritarian rule. Yet all those Western challengers may add up but to a small number. If the Chinese Government doesn't commit big mistakes in Tibet, the majority of the Western nations, most of which have a democratic government, won't bother to stand on high ground of ethics to condemn it.

Though still a non-democratic nation, whose communist government the U.S. neoconservatives would always instinctively want to help overthrow whenever there is a possibility, China has so far kept friends with most of the nations in the world. This is one of the reasons why it has accumulated an astronomical foreign exchange reserve. Some very narrow-minded racists in the U.S. simply see the accumulation their money. They can do nothing about that but think the Chinese are thieves.

If China is not capable of making cheap stuff, which CNN's Jack Cafferty called junk, for so many countries other than the U.S., the U.S. - China trade deficit simply wouldn't exist. Then that angry Jack could have no time to attack China, for his badly-off fellow Americans would make headlines everyday for not being able to afford expensive stuff in Wal-Mart.
