
Excerpt passages from a novel – In Quest of Truth on the Holy Book of Genesis

1:02 Why did the Spirit of God need to hover over the waters, as He IS omnipresent? Was it just for fun? Or did He do so just as a special spectacle for certain beings already existed before His creations? As at that very beginning, living things on earth were yet to be created. Did God simply play games or do physical exercises? Or could the verb hover, which was translated from the original ancient Hebrew, be used to denote a certain act of God that mankind can hardly perceive at all? Could it be that the divine message was not accurately conveyed to mankind as God used the human language, invented by man himself He had created, which is of all too limited capability, for talking about something hardly perceivable by man?

1:14 Why did God not simply say He was to let the land of the global earth spin round and round, facing and turning away from the greater light to separate the day and the night? God was not telling the truth to Himself by murmuring, or was He? Why did God, being omniscient, say something as though He were an ordindary person without much knowledge of the skies created by Himself?

1:27 Why did God's Own image diversify so much that it made so many different races? Why black and white? Did God want people to look so different so that there might be fun to look at? Or did He simply want to give people something upon which they could discriminate against each other? Why male and female? Could God have a spouse and choose not to let us know? If God does have a spouse, is it a female spirit or something else? Did God’s spouse give birth to His son Jesus in Heaven as Mary did in the manger?

1:31 And there were no evenings, and there were no mornings at the two poles of the earth, why? Why was the fact that there is a tilted axis, about which the earth rotates, not mentioned?

2:05 Why did God rationalize only the rain but not carbon dioxide or solar energy as an essence for the plants to grow? Did it need to be 'rain'? Might 'niar' not do? Might anything else including 'nothing' not do simply if God wished?

2:17 How did the created human being apprehend God's words 'you will surely die'? As he, being the very first and only man at the beginning, obviously could not have possessed the knowledge or feeling of 'being dead' or 'dying'. And he did not even have the perception of being naked, before his eyes were opened as a result of having eaten the forbidden fruit, or did he?

2:19 Why did God not bring the Escherichia coli to the man to see what he would name it, as Escherichia coli is no doubt a bit more essential to the life of humans than certain beasts of the field?

3:07 Why did the eyes need to be opened to enable the man and the woman to realize that they were naked? Did touching each other mean nothing?

3:10 Why was the man afraid of being naked? Did God make him afraid for certain reason He did not mention?

3:14 Why was eating dust a punishment as dust had been used to form into God's image? Was dust not good enough? Now we know dust is not just dust, it is made up of residues of weathered rocks and decomposed matters from living organisms.

4:09 Cain had killed his brother Abel, and he said to God, "am I my brother's keeper?" As God is God, how could Cain not realize that Lord God, the creator of his parents and beings and things of all kinds, must have known anything concealed from Him?

4:17 Where did Cain's wife, and his sons' and grandsons' wives come from? Were they among some other creations of God, which had not been mentioned by Moses? Did Moses neglect or miss something God had done? If so, how much could it be? One percent? Fifty percent? Or ninety-nine percent?

6:05 Why did God not rectify His sons' hearts by just saying, 'let there be good instead of evil inside them', judging from the omni power that a few words out of His mouth caused the creation of the whole universe? Could it be that God just saw mankind as his play things, and deliberately let them go evil as they would like to, simply because it was fun to have both good and bad? Could it be wrong to perceive that God wiped the evil mankind out of the earth, took grief as an excuse, and did killing for fun? If God did kill, was killing much convenient or easier than repairing those evil human beings' hearts? Judging from the fact that God created all kinds of living things of extreme biological complexity just in a single day, why would He rather not replace just a limited number of decayed hearts of humans, and not fix certain bad genes or shut off certain hormones to prevent man from being evil? How difficult was it for our omnipotent Lord God to do so? Why did Moses not tell us? Or was it actually told, but not put into the Good Book?

12:12 From what clan after Noah did Pharaoh and the Egyptians descend?

12:17 Abram went to Egypt with his beautiful wife Sarai, leaving his homeland which was in a severe famine, in order to survive. He lied to Pharaoh that Sarai was his sister, so as to let Pharaoh take Sarai and treat him well; thinking that Pharaoh would kill him if Sarai was known to be his wife. He accumulated a big fortune by deceitfully trading his own wife. Later Lord God inflicted diseases on Pharaoh and his household because Pharaoh took Abram's wife. Did God collaborate with Abram to trap Pharaoh? Or trapping Pharaoh was a righteous act which could be justified? Or did omniscient Lord God not know what Abram had in mind when he entered Egypt? If so, who told Moses the story so that he could put it in the book of Genesis?

16:07 Why did God need an angel to find Hagar for Him? Was God yet to become the omnipresence and omniscience then? Or simply He wanted to act like his creature the mankind?

17:17 God said to Abram, now called Abraham as God said so, that He was going to give him a son by his wife. Abraham, then one hundred years old, simply did not believe what God had just promised. Why could Abraham be so silly in front of Lord God the creator of the earth and the skies and even his very own ancestor?

18: 21 Why did God need to go down and see if Sodom and Gomorrah were as bad as He had heard about, as He is omnipresent and omniscient?

19:08 God sent down two male angels to destroy the rotten city of Sodom. Lot invited them to his house. All men from all parts of the city came and wanted to have sex with the two male angels. Lot wanted to protect the two heavenly guests by offering his two virgin daughters to all the bad men. Later he even had sex with his two daughters and made them pregnant. Was Lot not wicked and foolish enough for God to punish by death? Yet, the angels spared his life. Did God know nothing about that?

19:26 Lot's wife became a pillar of salt as she looked back when the bad city of Sodom was being destroyed. What is the implication of God's letting such legendary thing happen?
